Sunday, April 7, 2013

Exodus 2013: Helping Workers Escape Abortion Clinics

By Caleb Parke

Tomorrow is National "Leave the Abortion Industry" Day. 

In the last 40 years, our nation has lost 56 million of our brothers and sisters to legal abortions. Our generation is missing precious lives that could've been saved. Enough is enough. We can no longer ignore abortion and the unbearable pain that it causes - to the mother, the father and the emptiness left after the baby's life is taken.


Stand up and speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves. The true measure of any society is how it treats the least, the tiniest life in a mother's womb. 

This day is a call for employees of abortion clinics to leave their jobs in pursuit of new careers, knowing they have support. The organization, And Then There Were None, is ready to provide these brave people with financial, legal, emotional and spiritual assistance as they transition out of the abortion industry and into a new line of work.

Do you work at an abortion clinic? Please read this letter from Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood employee who was the Planned Parenthood 2008 "Employee of the Year." She found healing and so can you.

I am a college student passionate about this because I could've been aborted. My mom chose life, and it angers me to no end to see innocent lives taken and people deceived, burdened with the pain that abortion causes. I want to see our generation step out of darkness and into the light and find the healing on the other side.

If this is a cause you care about, please join me in prayer and help raise awareness. May we encourage a culture of life and be the generation to end abortion. 


Caleb Parke is a conservative college student at Grove City College majoring in political science. He was born and raised on a small horse farm in Findlay, Ohio.

1 comment:

  1. I pray that people will see abortion as a horrible act and will choose life. #ProLife
